92509 Residential Real Estate Market Update – Jurupa Valley – April 2024

92509 Residential Real Estate Market Update – Jurupa Valley – April 2024

History of the 92509

The 92509 ZIP code area, primarily associated with City of Jurupa Valley in Riverside County, California, has a rich history that intertwines with the broader development of Southern California.

Initially, the area was inhabited by the Gabrielino and Serrano Tribes. Later, in 1838, the Mexican government granted Rancho Jurupa to Juan Bandini, a prominent Californio entrepreneur, marking the beginning of non-Native settlement. The name “Jurupa” was used as early as 1887 and is derived from a previous rancho operated by the Mission San Gabriel Arcángel, which was disbanded in 1833. The exact meaning of “Jurupa” is debated, with some suggesting it means “watering place” or refers to a local plant, the Artemisia californica.

Efforts to incorporate the city began in 1992, with voters initially rejecting the proposal. However, on March 8, 2011, a successful vote led to the incorporation of Jurupa Valley, effective July 1, 2011. This new city included several communities like Mira Loma, Glen Avon, and Rubidoux. Jurupa Valley faced financial challenges early on, nearly leading to disincorporation, but these were eventually resolved with state legislative action.

As for demographics, the 2010 U.S. Census reported that Glen Avon, a part of the 92509 area, had a diverse population with a significant Hispanic/ Latino presence. The area has evolved over time, reflecting broader demographic and economic trends in Southern California.

Jurupa Valley’s governance includes a city council and a mayor, with representation at the state and federal levels aligning with California’s legislative districts. The area is served by the Jurupa Unified School District, providing educational services through various schools.

The history of the 92509 ZIP code area is a microcosm of the broader historical, cultural, and political developments of Southern California, marked by its early Native American presence, ranching origins, and evolving community identity in the modern era​​​​.

The data that follows is not intended to be a comparative market analysis for any one particular home, but instead gives a general valuation for homes in each of the 12 specified areas, and in whole the entire residential areas located in the 92509-zip code.

For a detailed and personalized market analysis of your home, or if you have any questions, feel free to contact me.


Manny Barba,


DRE #00879806



MB Live Realty, Inc.





Jurupa Valley, CA 92509


End of Month Active Listings: 4,   -50.0% change from a year ago.

New Listings: 4 ,   -20.0% change from a year ago.

Months Supply Inventory: 1.2,   -20.0% change from a year ago.

Closed Sales: 4,   0.0% change from a year ago.

Average Days on Market: 31, -56.9% change from a year ago.

List to Sold Price %: 99.4% ,  +4.6% change from a year ago.

Average Sales Price: $833,748 , +56.4% change from a year ago,

Average Price Square Foot: $321 ,  -10.6% change from a year ago.


The Sunnyslope residential real estate market area has shown notable shifts as of the end of April 2024, reflecting dynamic changes in various key metrics. As we assess the trends and patterns, it is evident that the market continues to evolve, presenting both opportunities and challenges for buyers and sellers.

As of the end of April, active listings have significantly decreased to 4, marking a 50.0% reduction compared to the same period last year. This decline in inventory has contributed to the competitive nature of the market. New listings have also seen a decline, with only 4 properties coming onto the market, representing a 20.0% decrease from a year ago. This reduction in new inventory further emphasizes the limited supply available to prospective buyers.

The months supply of inventory, currently at 1.2 months, has decreased by 20.0% from a year ago. This metric indicates the time it would take to sell the current inventory at the present rate of sales, highlighting a seller’s market where demand continues to outpace supply.

Closed sales have remained steady with 4 properties sold in April, showing no change from the previous year. However, the market dynamics are reflected in the significantly reduced average days on market, now at 31 days, which is a notable 56.9% decrease from last year. This sharp decline suggests that properties are selling much faster, indicating high buyer interest and a swift market pace.

The list-to-sold price percentage has seen a positive shift, increasing to 99.4%, which is a 4.6% rise from a year ago. This improvement signifies that sellers are receiving offers very close to their asking prices, further underscoring the strong demand and competitive environment.

One of the most striking changes is observed in the average sales price, which has surged to $833,748, marking a substantial 56.4% increase from last year. This remarkable growth in sales prices reflects heightened buyer competition and potentially an increase in the perceived value of properties in Sunnyslope.

Conversely, the average price per square foot has experienced a decline, now standing at $321, which is a 10.6% decrease from a year ago. This decrease may indicate a shift in the types of properties being sold or adjustments in buyer preferences towards more affordable options within the market.

Overall, the Sunnyslope residential real estate market area is characterized by a significant reduction in inventory, rapid sales, and rising average sales prices, indicating a robust and highly competitive environment. Buyers and sellers should be aware of these trends as they navigate the market, and it’s advisable for both parties to work closely with a knowledgeable real estate broker to achieve their goals effectively in this dynamic landscape.

Note: The above data is not intended to be a comparative market analysis for any one particular home.  The above data provides an average valuation for homes sold in this area for the specified period.

Note: The above data is not intended to be a comparative market analysis for any one particular home.  The above data provides an average valuation for homes sold in this area for the specified period.

Area 2:

North Rubidoux-Belltown

Jurupa Valley, CA 92509


End of Month Active Listings:  3, +200.0% change from a year ago.

New Listings: 1 ,  no change from a year ago data.

Months Supply Inventory: 2.4,   +242.9% change from a year ago.

Closed Sales: 0, -100.0%  change from a year ago.

Average Days on Market:  no data due to no closed sales.

List to Sold Price %:  no data due to no closed sales.

Average Sales Price: $555,000 ,  calculated using a rolling 6-month average, +40.5% change from a year ago,

Average Price Square Foot: $467 , calculated using a rolling 6-month average, +33.0% change from a year ago.


The north Rubidoux-Belltown residential real estate market area has exhibited some significant changes as of the end of April 2024. The market dynamics in this area reveal a mixture of increased inventory, limited new listings, and substantial changes in average sales prices and price per square foot.

As of the end of April, there were 3 active listings representing a substantial increase of 200.0% compared to the same period last year. This sharp rise in active listings suggests an increase in the number of homeowners looking to sell their properties. However, the number of new listings remains unchanged from a year ago, with only 1 new property being listed on the market.

The months supply of inventory has risen significantly to 2.4 months, marking a 242.9% increase from a year ago. This metric indicates that it would take approximately 2.4 months to sell the current inventory at the present rate of sales, highlighting a shift towards a more balanced market, though still leaning towards a seller’s market.

Notably, there were no closed sales recorded for April, which is a 100.0% decrease from the previous year. This lack of closed transactions makes it challenging to provide data on average days on market and the list-to-sold price percentage, as these metrics rely on completed sales.

Despite the absence of closed sales in April, the average sales price has been calculated using a rolling 6-month average, coming in at $555,000. This figure represents a significant increase of 40.5% from a year ago. The average price per square foot has also seen a substantial rise, now at $467, reflecting a 33.0% increase from the previous year. These increases in average sales price and price per square foot indicate a strong appreciation in property values within the area.

Overall, the north Rubidoux-Belltown residential real estate market area  is currently characterized by an increased number of active listings and months supply of inventory, coupled with rising average sales prices and price per square foot. The absence of closed sales in April is notable, and it will be important to monitor future transactions to gain a more comprehensive understanding of market trends.

Note: The above data is not intended to be a comparative market analysis for any one particular home.  The above data provides an average valuation for homes sold in this area for the specified period.

Area 3:


Jurupa Valley, CA 92509


End of Month Active Listings:  8,  +33.3% change from a year ago.

New Listings:  7, +40.0% change from a year ago.

Months Supply Inventory: 1.5,  +66.7% change from a year ago.

Closed Sales: 5,  +66.7% change from a year ago.

Average Days on Market: 11, -84.7% change from a year ago.

List to Sold Price %: 103.9% , +3.3% change from a year ago.

Average Sales Price: $585,998, +11.3% change from a year ago

Average Price Square Foot: $383 , -30.2% change from a year ago


The Rubidoux residential real estate market area has experienced several significant changes as of the end of April 2024. These changes reflect a dynamic and evolving market, presenting various implications for both buyers and sellers in the area.


As of the end of April, active listings have increased to 8, representing a 33.3% rise compared to the same period last year. This increase in inventory indicates that more homeowners are looking to sell their properties. Additionally, the number of new listings has grown to 7, marking a 40.0% increase from a year ago, suggesting a higher level of market activity.

The months supply of inventory stands at 1.5 months, which is a 66.7% increase from the previous year. This metric indicates that, at the current rate of sales, it would take 1.5 months to sell all available inventory, suggesting a balanced but still competitive market environment.

Closed sales have also seen a substantial increase, with 5 properties sold in April, reflecting a 66.7% rise from last year. This uptick in closed sales demonstrates strong buyer demand and active market participation. Correspondingly, the average days on market have significantly decreased to 11 days, an impressive 84.7% reduction from a year ago. This sharp decline indicates that properties are selling much faster, underscoring the high demand and quick pace of transactions.

The list-to-sold price percentage has improved to 103.9%, a 3.3% increase from a year ago. This figure indicates that, on average, properties are selling for slightly above their asking prices, highlighting the competitive nature of the market.

The average sales price has risen to $585,998, representing an 11.3% increase from last year. This upward trend in sales prices reflects a strong appreciation in property values within the area. However, the average price per square foot has experienced a notable decline, now at $383, which is a 30.2% decrease from a year ago. This decrease may suggest a shift in buyer preferences towards larger properties or changes in the types of properties being sold.

In summary, the Rubidoux residential real estate market area in April 2024 is characterized by increased inventory and new listings, a higher number of closed sales, faster transaction times, and rising sales prices. The market remains competitive, with properties selling quickly and often above their asking prices.

Note: The above data is not intended to be a comparative market analysis for any one particular home.  The above data provides an average valuation for homes sold in this area for the specified period.

Area 4:

Jurupa Hills,

Jurupa Valley 92509


End of Month Active Listings:  2 ,  +100.0% change from a year ago.

New Listings:  0  ,  -100.0% change from a year ago.

Months Supply Inventory:  1.0,  +150.0% change from a year ago.

Closed Sales: 1,  -66.7% change from a year ago.

Average Days on Market: 7,  -82.5% change from a year ago.

List to Sold Price %:  102.5%,  +2.5% change from a year ago.

Average Sales Price: $615,000,  +2.5% change from a year ago.

Average Price Square Foot: $399, +20.9% change from a year ago.


As of the end of April 2024, the Jurupa Hills residential real estate market area has shown a mix of trends that highlight both challenges and opportunities within the area. The market data presents a nuanced picture of inventory, sales activity, and pricing dynamics.

The end of April saw 2 active listings reflecting a 100.0% increase from the same period last year. This doubling of active listings suggests a slight increase in the number of properties available for sale, although the overall inventory remains limited. In contrast, there were no new listings during the month, marking a 100.0% decrease from a year ago. The absence of new listings points to constraints in supply, possibly due to homeowners holding off on selling.

The months supply of inventory has increased to 1.0 month, a 150.0% rise from last year. This metric indicates that, at the current sales pace, it would take one month to sell the existing inventory, signifying a low but slightly improved availability compared to previous periods.

Closed sales in April totaled just 1, representing a 66.7% decrease from a year ago. This significant drop in closed transactions highlights a slower sales activity, which could be influenced by the limited new listings and other market conditions. The average days on market for the closed sale was 7 days, an impressive 82.5% decrease from the previous year, indicating that the property that did sell moved very quickly, reflecting strong buyer demand for the limited available inventory.

The list-to-sold price percentage increased to 102.5%, a 2.5% rise from a year ago. This metric indicates that the property sold for slightly more than its asking price, underscoring the competitive nature of the market despite the low volume of transactions.

The average sales price reached $615,000, showing a modest 2.5% increase from last year. This incremental rise in sales price suggests steady appreciation in property values. Additionally, the average price per square foot has surged to $399, a substantial 20.9% increase from a year ago. This notable rise in price per square foot may indicate a shift towards higher-end finishes or improvements in the properties sold, or simply a reflection of the scarcity driving up per unit costs.

In summary, the Jurupa Hills residential real estate market area as of April 2024 is characterized by a small increase in active listings, no new listings, and a significant decrease in closed sales. Despite these challenges, properties that do sell are moving quickly and often above the asking price, reflecting continued high demand. The increases in both the average sales price and price per square foot highlight ongoing appreciation in the market.

Note: The above data is not intended to be a comparative market analysis for any one particular home.  The above data provides an average valuation for homes sold in this area for the specified period.


Area 5:

Indian Hills

Jurupa Valley, CA 92509


End of Month Active Listings:  7 ,  -22.2% change from a year ago.

New Listings:  5 ,  +25.0% change from a year ago.

Months Supply Inventory:  2.0,  +33.3% change from a year ago.

Closed Sales: 2,  -66.7% change from a year ago.

Average Days on Market: 4,  -92.5% change from a year ago.

List to Sold Price %: 104.8% , +3.3% change from a year ago.

Average Sales Price: $644,500,   +6.4% change from a year ago.

Average Price Square Foot: $481 , +52.2% change from a year ago.


The Indian Hills residential real estate market area has shown some intriguing trends as of the end of April 2024, reflecting a mix of increased pricing metrics and varied changes in inventory and sales activities.

At the close of April, there were 7 active listings, which represents a 22.2% decrease compared to the same period last year. This reduction in active listings indicates a tighter inventory situation, which can often drive competition among buyers. However, the market saw 5 new listings during April, marking a 25.0% increase from a year ago, suggesting that new properties are coming onto the market despite the overall lower inventory.

The months supply of inventory stands at 2.0 months, a 33.3% increase from last year. This metric suggests that at the current sales pace, it would take two months to sell all the available inventory, indicating a relatively balanced market with a slight lean towards a seller’s market.

Closed sales for April totaled 2, a significant 66.7% decrease from the previous year. This decline in closed transactions points to a slower pace of sales activity, which may be influenced by the reduced overall inventory or other market factors. However, the properties that did sell moved very quickly, with an average of just 4 days on the market. This is a dramatic 92.5% decrease in the average days on market from a year ago, highlighting the swift nature of transactions when properties do become available.

The list-to-sold price percentage reached 104.8%, reflecting a 3.3% increase from a year ago. This figure indicates that homes are selling for above their asking prices on average, underscoring the competitive market conditions.

The average sales price rose to $644,500, marking a 6.4% increase from the previous year. This increase demonstrates ongoing appreciation in property values within the area. Additionally, the average price per square foot saw a significant rise to $481, a substantial 52.2% increase from last year. This sharp increase suggests that buyers are willing to pay more per unit of space, possibly due to enhanced property features or increased demand for the area.

In summary, the Indian Hills residential real estate market area in April 2024 is characterized by decreased overall active listings, increased new listings, and a balanced months supply of inventory. Despite a drop in closed sales, the market remains highly competitive with properties selling quickly and often above their asking prices. Both the average sales price and price per square foot have seen notable increases, reflecting continued appreciation in the market.

Note: The above data is not intended to be a comparative market analysis for any one particular home.  The above data provides an average valuation for homes sold in this area for the specified period.

Area 6:

Pedley – East

Jurupa Valley, CA 92509


End of Month Active Listings: 8 ,  -11.1% change from a year ago.

New Listings:  9, +200.0% change from a year ago.

Months Supply Inventory:  2.8,  -52.2% change from a year ago.

Closed Sales: 4,  +33.3% change from a year ago.

Average Days on Market: 12, -78% change from a year ago.

List to Sold Price %:  102.1%, +1.4% change from a year ago

Average Sales Price: $605,246 , +14.2% change from a year ago.

Average Price Square Foot: $397, +4.5% change from a year ago.


As of the end of April 2024, the residential real estate market in eastern Pedley area has demonstrated a mix of dynamic changes, reflecting varied trends in inventory, sales activity, and pricing.

The market saw a total of 8 active listings at the end of April, representing an 11.1% decrease from the same period last year. Despite this slight reduction in active inventory, the number of new listings has surged, with 9 new properties coming onto the market, marking a 200.0% increase from a year ago. This significant rise in new listings indicates a higher level of market activity and potential opportunities for buyers.

The months supply of inventory stands at 2.8 months, which is a 52.2% decrease from the previous year. This metric suggests that it would take approximately 2.8 months to sell the current inventory at the present rate of sales, indicating a more balanced market compared to the past year.

Closed sales in April totaled 4, a 33.3% increase from last year. This uptick in closed transactions highlights a robust demand and active market participation. Correspondingly, the average days on market for properties has sharply decreased to 12 days, a 78% reduction from the previous year. This significant drop indicates that homes are selling much faster, reflecting strong buyer interest and competitive market conditions.

The list-to-sold price percentage reached 102.1%, a 1.4% increase from a year ago. This figure demonstrates that properties are generally selling above their asking prices, further emphasizing the competitive nature of the market.

The average sales price rose to $605,246, representing a 14.2% increase from last year. This increase in sales price points to a continued appreciation in property values within the area. Additionally, the average price per square foot has increased to $397, a 4.5% rise from a year ago. This upward trend in price per square foot suggests a higher valuation of property space, likely driven by increased demand and market dynamics.

In summary, the eastern Pedley residential real estate market area in April 2024 is characterized by a notable increase in new listings, a balanced inventory, and a higher number of closed sales. Properties are selling quickly and often above asking prices, with significant increases in both average sales prices and price per square foot. These trends highlight a vibrant and competitive market environment.

Note: The above data is not intended to be a comparative market analysis for any one particular home.  The above data provides an average valuation for homes sold in this area for the specified period.

Area 7:

Pedley – West

Jurupa Valley 92509



End of Month Active Listings: 1,  -75.0% change from a year ago.

New Listings: 1 , -66.7% change from a year ago.

Months Supply Inventory:  .3 ,  -70.0% change from a year ago.

Closed Sales: 0,  -100.0% change from a year ago.

Average Days on Market: no data due to no closed sales

List to Sold Price %:  no data due to no closed sales

Average Sales Price: $762.800,  calculated using a rolling 3-month average,  +9.3% change from last year

Average Price Square Foot: $323,   calculated using a rolling 3-month average,  -1.8% change from last year


The residential real estate market in the western Pedley area for the month ending April 2024 has shown some notable shifts, indicating a dynamic and evolving landscape. The data reveals changes in inventory, new listings, and average pricing metrics, which provide valuable insights into the current market conditions.

At the end of April, there was only 1 active listing reflecting a significant 75.0% decrease from the same period last year. This sharp reduction in active listings suggests a highly constrained inventory, which could lead to increased competition among buyers. Similarly, the number of new listings also saw a substantial decline, with just 1 new property coming onto the market, a 66.7% decrease from a year ago.

The months supply of inventory stands at a very low 0.3 months, marking a 70.0% decrease from the previous year. This metric indicates that it would take less than a month to sell the current inventory at the present rate of sales, highlighting a severe shortage of available properties and a strong seller’s market.

Notably, there were no closed sales recorded for April, representing a 100.0% decrease from the previous year. The lack of closed transactions means there is no available data for average days on market or the list-to-sold price percentage for this period.

Despite the absence of closed sales in April, the average sales price, calculated using a rolling 3-month average, stands at $762,800. This figure represents a 9.3% increase from last year, indicating a continued appreciation in property values. Conversely, the average price per square foot has seen a slight decline, now at $323, which is a 1.8% decrease from the previous year. This decrease may suggest variability in the types of properties being listed or changes in buyer preferences.

In summary, the western Pedley residential real estate market area as of April 2024 is characterized by extremely low inventory levels, a significant reduction in new listings, and no closed sales for the month. Despite these constraints, the average sales price has shown a notable increase, reflecting strong underlying property value appreciation. Buyers and sellers in this market should be prepared for a highly competitive environment.

Note: The above data is not intended to be a comparative market analysis for any one particular home.  The above data provides an average valuation for homes sold in this area for the specified period.

Area 8:

Mira Loma-East

Jurupa Valley 92509


End of Month Active Listings:  0 ,  -75.0% change from a year ago.

New Listings: 2, 0.0% change data from a year ago.

Months Supply Inventory: 0.4, -80.0% change from a year ago.

Closed Sales: 3,  +50.0% change from a year ago.

Average Days on Market: 17, +750.0% change from a year ago.

List to Sold Price %:  99.8%, -1.3% change from a year ago.

Average Sales Price: $1,035,000,  +63.0% change from a year ago.

Average Price Square Foot: $548,  +62.1 change from a year ago.


As of the end of April 2024, the residential real estate market in eastern Mira Loma area has exhibited some significant changes, reflecting both challenges and opportunities for buyers and sellers. The following analysis provides an overview of the key market metrics and trends observed during this period.

There were no active listings at the end of April 2024, representing a 100.0% decrease compared to the same period last year. This drastic reduction in active listings underscores a highly constrained inventory, which can intensify competition among prospective buyers. Despite this low number of active listings, there were 2 new listings during April, unchanged from a year ago, indicating some consistency in new properties coming onto the market.

The months supply of inventory stands at 0.4 months, an 80.0% decrease from the previous year. This extremely low supply indicates that it would take less than half a month to sell the current inventory at the current sales pace, highlighting a pronounced seller’s market with very limited availability of properties.

Closed sales in April totaled 3, reflecting a 50.0% increase from last year. This rise in closed sales points to robust buyer demand, even in the face of limited inventory. However, the average days on market for properties was 17 days, a significant 750.0% increase from a year ago. This increase suggests that while properties are still selling relatively quickly, they are taking longer to sell compared to the exceptionally fast pace observed last year.

The list-to-sold price percentage was 99.8%, a slight 1.3% decrease from a year ago. This figure indicates that homes are selling very close to their asking prices, though slightly below the list price on average, which may reflect some minor negotiation flexibility in the market.

One of the most notable changes is seen in the average sales price, which surged to $1,035,000, marking a substantial 63.0% increase from last year. This dramatic rise in sales price reflects a strong appreciation in property values within this area. Additionally, the average price per square foot has increased to $548, a 62.1% rise from a year ago. This significant increase suggests a heightened valuation of property space, driven by high demand and limited supply.

In summary, the eastern Mira Loma residential real estate market area as of April 2024 is characterized by extremely low inventory levels, consistent new listings, and a robust increase in closed sales. The market remains highly competitive, with properties selling close to their asking prices, and significant increases in both average sales prices and price per square foot, reflecting continued appreciation in the area.

Note: The above data is not intended to be a comparative market analysis for any one particular home.  The above data provides an average valuation for homes sold in this area for the specified period.



Area 9:

Jurupa – Stone

Jurupa Valley 92509


End of Month Active Listings:  2,   0.0% change from a year ago.

New Listings:  3 ,  no change from a year ago data.

Months Supply Inventory: .9, +12.5% change from a year ago.

Closed Sales: 2,  +100.0% change from a year ago.

Average Days on Market: 157, +554.2% change from a year ago.

List to Sold Price %:  107.1%, +6.4% change from a year ago. 

Average Sales Price: $1,560,000 ,  +122.9% change from a year ago.

Average Price Square Foot: $568,  +54.3% change from a year ago.


As of the end of April 2024, the residential real estate market in the Jurupa-Stone area has experienced some remarkable shifts, showcasing a blend of stability in inventory and significant changes in sales and pricing metrics. The following analysis provides an in-depth look at the key market indicators and trends for this period.

At the close of April, there were 2 active listings reflecting no change from the same period last year. This stability in active listings indicates a consistent level of available properties on the market. Similarly, the number of new listings remained unchanged from a year ago, with 3 new properties coming onto the market. This consistency in new listings suggests a steady inflow of new inventory.

The months supply of inventory has increased to 0.9 months, a 12.5% rise from last year. This metric suggests that it would take just under a month to sell the current inventory at the present rate of sales, indicating a strong seller’s market with limited available properties relative to demand.

Closed sales for April totaled 2, a 100.0% increase from last year, indicating a doubling of transactions and highlighting strong buyer demand. However, the average days on market for these properties was 157 days, representing a significant 554.2% increase from a year ago. This dramatic rise suggests that while properties are eventually selling, they are taking much longer to do so compared to the previous year.

The list-to-sold price percentage in Jurupa-Stone reached an impressive 107.1%, reflecting a 6.4% increase from a year ago. This metric indicates that properties are selling for significantly above their asking prices on average, underscoring the competitive nature of the market.

One of the most striking changes is observed in the average sales price, which surged to $1,560,000, marking a substantial 122.9% increase from last year. However, this dramatic rise in average sales price is due to a unique 12.88 acre horse property that sold for $2,100,000, which caused the average sales price to jump up for April.

Additionally, the average price per square foot has increased to $568, a 54.3% rise from a year ago. This considerable increase suggests a higher valuation of property space, but was likely affected by the sale of the 12.88 horse property discussed above.

In summary, the Jurupa-Stone residential real estate market as of April 2024 is characterized by stable inventory levels, consistent new listings, and a strong seller’s market. The market has seen a significant increase in closed sales, though properties are taking much longer to sell. The notable increases in both average sales prices and price per square foot reflect continued appreciation and high demand within the area.

Note: The above data is not intended to be a comparative market analysis for any one particular home.  The above data provides an average valuation for homes sold in this area for the specified period.


Area 10:

Glen Avon – South

Jurupa Valley 91752


End of Month Active Listings: 3,   -70.0% change from a year ago.

New Listings:  1 , -80.0% change from a year ago.

Months Supply Inventory:  0.7,  -73.1% change from a year ago.

Closed Sales: 1,  -66.7% change from a year ago.

Average Days on Market: 18,  -71.0% change from a year ago.

List to Sold Price %:  100.0%,  +0.0% change from a year ago.

Average Sales Price: $699,983 , calculated using a rolling 3-month average,  +14.2% change from a year ago.

Average Price Square Foot: $452,  calculated using a rolling 3-month average, +26.6% change from last year.


As of the end of April 2024, the residential real estate market in south Glen Avon area has undergone significant changes, reflecting a constrained inventory and notable shifts in sales and pricing metrics. Here is an overview of the key market indicators and trends observed during this period.

The number of active listings at the end of April stood at 3, representing a substantial 70.0% decrease compared to the same period last year. This significant reduction in active listings highlights a very tight inventory, which can create a competitive environment for buyers. New listings also saw a sharp decline, with only 1 new property listed, marking an 80.0% decrease from a year ago. The reduction in new listings further emphasizes the scarcity of available homes on the market.

The months supply of inventory is currently at 0.7 months, a 73.1% decrease from the previous year. This metric indicates that it would take less than a month to sell the current inventory at the present rate of sales, underscoring a strong seller’s market with extremely limited supply relative to demand.

In terms of sales activity, there was 1 closed sale in April, a 66.7% decrease from last year. The average days on market for this property was 18 days, a significant 71.0% reduction from the previous year. This decrease suggests that despite the limited number of sales, the properties that are available are selling much faster, indicating high buyer interest and competition.

The list-to-sold price percentage remained steady at 100.0%, showing no change from a year ago. This figure indicates that homes are generally selling at their asking prices, reflecting a balanced negotiation environment.

The average sales price, calculated using a rolling 3-month average, reached $699,983, marking a 14.2% increase from last year. This rise in sales price points to continued appreciation in property values within the area. Additionally, the average price per square foot, also calculated using a rolling 3-month average, increased to $452, a significant 26.6% rise from a year ago. This notable increase suggests that buyers are willing to pay more per unit of space, likely driven by the limited supply and high demand.

In summary, the south Glen Avon residential real estate market area as of April 2024 is characterized by a significant reduction in both active and new listings, creating a highly competitive environment. The limited inventory is selling quickly, and properties are achieving their asking prices. Both average sales prices and price per square foot have seen substantial increases, reflecting strong appreciation in the market.

Note: The above data is not intended to be a comparative market analysis for any one particular home.  The above data provides an average valuation for homes sold in this area for the specified period.


Area 11:

California Horizon,

Jurupa Valley 91752


End of Month Active Listings:  0,  0.0% change from a year ago.

New Listings: 0,   0.0% change from a year ago.

Months Supply Inventory:  no data due to no inventory

Closed Sales: 1   ,   no change from last year data

Average Days on Market: 5, no change from last year data.

List to Sold Price %: 103.2% ,  no change from last year data..

Average Sales Price:  $645,000, calculated using a rolling 3-month average. 

Average Price Square Foot: $421,  calculated using a rolling 3-month average.


As of the end of April 2024, the residential real estate market in California Horizon has shown a notable consistency in several key metrics. The market continues to exhibit stability, though certain constraints in inventory and new listings present challenges and opportunities for both buyers and sellers.

The number of active listings at the end of April remained at 0, unchanged from the same period last year. This zero inventory indicates an exceptionally tight market where no properties are available for sale. Similarly, there were no new listings during April, which is consistent with the previous year. The absence of both active and new listings underscores the scarcity of available properties in California Horizon.

Due to the lack of inventory, there is no data available for the months supply of inventory. This metric typically indicates the balance between supply and demand, but the complete lack of inventory makes it impossible to calculate.

In terms of sales activity, there was 1 closed sale in April, mirroring the same number from last year. The average days on market for this sale was 5 days, which also remains unchanged from last year. This quick turnaround time indicates that properties, when they do become available, are sold very rapidly, reflecting high demand.

The list-to-sold price percentage stood at 103.2%, unchanged from the previous year. This figure shows that properties are selling for slightly above their asking prices, highlighting a competitive market where buyers are willing to pay a premium.

The average sales price in California Horizon, calculated using a rolling 3-month average, was $645,000. This figure provides a reliable indicator of market conditions over a more extended period, ensuring that short-term fluctuations do not skew the data. Additionally, the average price per square foot, also calculated using a rolling 3-month average, was $421. These pricing metrics reflect the high value and demand for properties in the area.

In summary, the California Horizon residential real estate market as of April 2024 is characterized by a complete lack of available inventory and new listings, coupled with a steady number of closed sales and rapid turnover times. The market remains highly competitive, with properties selling above their asking prices.

Note: The above data is not intended to be a comparative market analysis for any one particular home.  The above data provides an average valuation for homes sold in this area for the specified period.

Area 12:

Glen Avon,

Jurupa Valley 92509


End of Month Active Listings:  2,  +100.0% change from a year ago.

New Listings: 2 , no change from a year ago data.

Months Supply Inventory: 1.3, +62.5% change from a year ago.

Closed Sales: 1,  no change from a year ago data.

Average Days on Market: 84, no change from a year ago data

List to Sold Price %:  105.3% , no data re change from a year ago

Average Sales Price: $598,500, calculated using a rolling 3-month average,  +30.1% change from a year ago.

Average Price Square Foot: $533, calculated using a rolling 3-month average,  +31.0% change from a year ago.


As of the end of April 2024, the residential real estate market in the Glen Avon area  has shown some dynamic changes, reflecting shifts in inventory, sales activity, and pricing metrics. Here is a comprehensive overview of the current market conditions based on the latest data.

The number of active listings at the end of April stood at 2, which represents a 100.0% increase from the same period last year. This doubling of active listings indicates a slightly improved inventory situation, though the overall number remains low. The market saw 2 new listings during April, unchanged from a year ago, suggesting a steady inflow of new properties.

The months supply of inventory has increased to 1.3 months, a 62.5% rise from last year. This metric indicates that it would take just over a month to sell the current inventory at the present rate of sales, reflecting a market that is leaning towards balance, though still favoring sellers due to the relatively low supply.

In terms of sales activity, there was 1 closed sale in April, consistent with the same number from last year. The average days on market for this sale was 84 days, which also remains unchanged from last year. This relatively long duration suggests that while properties are selling, they are taking some time to attract the right buyer.

The list-to-sold price percentage stood at an impressive 105.3%, with no comparable data from last year. This figure shows that properties are selling for significantly above their asking prices on average, highlighting a competitive market where buyers are willing to bid higher to secure a purchase.

The average sales price, calculated using a rolling 3-month average, reached $598,500. This figure represents a 30.1% increase from last year, reflecting strong appreciation in property values. Additionally, the average price per square foot, also calculated using a rolling 3-month average, increased to $533, marking a 31.0% rise from a year ago. These notable increases in both the average sales price and price per square foot suggest a robust demand and a high valuation of property space in the area.

In summary, the Glen Avon residential real estate market as of April 2024 is characterized by an increase in active listings and a steady rate of new listings, with a slightly improved months supply of inventory. Sales activity remains consistent, with properties taking longer to sell but achieving significantly higher sale prices relative to their listing prices. Both the average sales price and price per square foot have seen substantial increases, indicating strong market appreciation.

Note: The above data is not intended to be a comparative market analysis for any one particular home.  The above data provides an average valuation for homes sold in this area for the specified period.


As a real estate broker, understanding the nuanced market shifts in the above residential area market update reports is key to providing informed advice and strategy to sellers throughout the 92509 – zip code area.

If you would like to discover what your home’s sales value is in today’s competitive market, contact me at (951) 990-3998.  I provide expert guidance and strategic insights and can help you through these interesting times in real estate.



Manny Barba






MB Live Realty, Inc.


Note: All data in this report is from the California Regional Multiple Listing Service (CRMLS). All information should be independently reviewed and verified for accuracy. This report is for informational purposes only and not intended as financial or investment advice.


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